+44 (0) 7488 567705

calculate your carbon use
By using only 100% electric car and only using power from renewable sources our tours are designed to be as eco-friendly as possible aiming for a close to zero footprint as possible.
However reaching us may require other forms of transport which are less eco-friendly. You can help to reduce the impact of your travels by offsetting the carbon you produce by doing something positive for the earth in exchange. This process is currently
recognised as a positive action by the UN.
We can help you calculate your potential footprint of getting to South Devon.
We offer local tree saplings for you to purchase to offset your carbon.
We will plant trees in our area on your behalf, or you can plant them whilst you are here!
Other forms of more immediate carbon offset are also available.
We would love to help you make your tour carbon neutral or maybe even carbon negative!
If you are using a flight to reach us consider an airline that uses planes such as a Dreamliner or A350, lighter planes with less emissions.
Direct flights also use less carbon than stop over flights.